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SS農曆新年初四啟市 Chinese New Year Holiday

February 15, 2018

SS祝您 新年快樂!🎊
即係 💕心想事成💕同🔥身體健康🔥啦!😝

SS門市由2月15-18日休息, 2月19日初四啟市喔!

衷心感謝每一位支持SS嘅顧客陪伴SS走過11個年頭,新一年我地會更努力為您提供更多優質選擇! 😍🙌🙌🙌

SS wishes you a HAPPY NEW YEAR!🎊
May your wishes come true😍 and be healthy!💪💃

Our shop will be closed from Feb 15 to 18 for Nee Year, then we will open regularly from Feb 19! 
😊We sincerely thank you for supporting us throughout the past 11 years!❤ We promise to be our best in providing more high quality choices in coming years! 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌
網上購物 Shop Online:
旺角廣東道 982 號嘉富商業中心地下B4舖(近朗豪坊)
SS Mong Kok Shop:
Shop B4, G/F, Prosperity Centre, NO. 982 Canton Road, Mong Kok, Kowloon
電話Tel : 852 - 2708 2212
營業時間Opening Hours : 1:00pm - 8:00pm


January 01, 2020


SS wishes you have a Happy Chinese New Year! May all the luck, blessings, and joy be with you!

🔥11.11門市驚喜大優惠 BIG SALE DAY🔥

November 10, 2017

感謝大家上年11.11活動嘅大力支持, 今年載譽歸來, 再帶驚喜優惠價俾大家! 優惠只限門市進行一日,11.11記得到SS旺角店帶走驚喜超值熱賣產品呀! 

(小編表示: 好想優惠您!多買多送! 多買多送! 多買多送! 11.11見!)

Thanks for supporting our promotional event on 11.11 from last year! Here we are again! Bringing you another 11.11 Big Sale Day! Surprising In-Store discounts will last 1 day only! Please make sure you visit SS Mong Kok Shop on 11.11 and bring home the awesome items with surprising deals!
網上購物 Shop Online:
旺角廣東道 982 號嘉富商業中心地下B4舖(近朗豪坊)
Mong Kok Shop:
Shop B4, G/F, Prosperity Centre,
NO. 982 Canton Road, Mong Kok, Kowloon
電話 Tel : 852 - 2708 2212
營業時間 Opening Hours : 1:00pm - 8:00pm

SS is Moving 我們搬家了!

October 14, 2017

What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

為更方便我們的客戶, Supplement Square 旺角門市於 2017 年10月15日, 由嘉富商業中心 19 樓遷到地下 B4 舖 。我們繼續堅持以真誠忠實的態度, 以最合理價錢, 為大家介紹運動營養產品, 感謝各位一直支持。


We are hoping to provide a more convenient location for our customers, Supplement Square Mongkok Shop will be moved from 19/F to G/F Shop B4 at Prosperity Centre on Oct 15th, 2017. Continuing to serve you with reliable sport nutrition products at reasonable price range! 

Thank you for supporting us!


新地址 New Address:

旺角廣東道 982 號嘉富商業中心地下B4 舖 (近朗豪坊)
Shop B4, G/F, Prosperity Centre, 

NO. 982 Canton Road, Mong Kok, Kowloon.


電話 Tel : 852 - 2708 2212 

營業時間 Opening Hours : 1:00pm - 8:00pm

6月18日本公司將於 2017香港健美錦標賽邀請賽會場舉行展銷活動,是日各門市休息一天。

June 17, 2017

Supplement Square is holding a promotional booth in HKFBF 2017 at Kitec, Kowloon. Welcome to visit!

SS Shops will be closed on 18/6, and reopen on 19/6 as usual. Opening 1-8pm. Thank you for your support!

6月18日本公司將於 2017香港健美錦標賽邀請賽會場 (九龍灣國際展貿中心六樓禮堂)




See you in Sport SOHO on August 11-13, 2017

August 10, 2017

We are happy to announce Supplement Square is joining Sport SOHO on August 11-13, 2017! Come visit us and get goodies!

我們將於 2017年 8月 11-13日 參與Sport SOHO香港大型運動博覽! 懇請各位到場支持 同時領取禮品!到時見!

HKFBF 2017 Bodybuilding & Fitness Invitation Championship will be held on June 18th, 2017

May 14, 2017

Participants should beware of the application deadline is on May 18th, 2017. Good Luck!


參賽者請留意,比賽報名截止日期為 2017年 5月 18日。報名從速!

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